Viesearch / reasoning skills
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IntelliSeeds learning helps your child achieve academic success and prepares them for problem-solving assessments and standardized testing such as the NMOC, ACT, and ITBS using a combination of practice and speed problems. It improves math, reading comprehension, language arts, grammar, and logical reasoning skills.
Hoss offers a unique course to help develop logical reasoning skills for kids. Engaging activities and lessons help children build critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This course is perfect for improving academic performance and boosting confidence. Enroll your child in House of Soft Skills' logical reasoning course and watch them thrive academically and personally.
Alzheimer' s disease is a progressive condition which destroys memory and other mental conditions which are important to the functioning of the body on a daily basis. Alzheimer' s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills.
The Brain Trainer offers Charlotte learning center and tutoring services focusing on improving memory, processing speed, logic, and reasoning skills.
Sparkle Buds and Little Sparkles are monthly magazines for children ages 4 to 10, packed with stories, adventures, brainteasers, and hidden picture puzzles. With our magazines, children become their best selves by using their creativity and imagination, developing their reading, thinking, and reasoning skills, and learning to treat others with respect, kindness, and sensitivity.
5 results for reasoning skills by relevancy