Viesearch / international journal of
666,931,423 Searches  3,507,687 Submissions  891,345 Sites  4,999 Featured  7,692 Categories  362,571 Editors
The prominent interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal. Under the realm of advance research and innovative ideas in education, the coverage includes all engineering field likes computer engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, Software engineering, Civil Engineering, and so...
Symbiosis Open Access - Journal of Nutrition Health & Food Science (JNHFS) is an international peer-reviewed journal which aims to publish scholarly articles in the development of nutritional science and its application to address malnutrition & eating disorders.
International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) is a scientific research and scholarly journal, which publishes research articles on agri, biochemistry, farming, breeding, nursery horticulture, apiculture etc.
International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering (IJACEE) is a monthly peer-reviewed open access journal, publishing research articles, review articles, short communications, letters and technical notes in the following research areas (but not limited to).
1,261 Views, 16 Incoming Science, Publications, Academic Journals - More Details
An open access journal website for international journals of engineering and technology. Publish peer-reviewed journal articles at International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR).
International Journal of Biosciences is a globally known ISI journal with high impact factor & cross-reference indexed journal that publishes high-quality original research papers together with review articles and short communication on Biology, Plant & Animal Sciences, Molecular biology & Genetics, Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Plant Physiology and Protection, Mycology & Pathology, Forestry...
Knowledge Xplore provides you the platform on which one person can easily share his knowledge and research among others. Through this journal, one can easily publish his exquisite research work under his name that is either theoretical or on any of the functional and ongoing research related topics in several engineering disciplines.
MERC Global's International Journal of Management (MERC Global's IJM) is an international peer-reviewed, open access quarterly journal of management science, being brought out with a view to facilitating effective dissemination of the latest thinking and research with regard to various management.
This is the official website for the International Journal of Justice and Police Sciences.
Symbiosis online publishing, Journal of Plant studies is an open access journal publish original and high quality of articles in the field of cognosy.
Materials science also commonly known as Materials Science & Engineering is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the understanding and application of the properties of matter. It includes elements of applied physics and chemistry, in addition chemical, mechanical, civil and EE. Materials Scientists research and study the structures and chemical properties of artificial, natural or...
Biological Forum - An International Journal (ISSN NO. Print : 0975- 1130, (Online): 2249-3239) is Free Open Access, peer reviewed, Fast online article submission and review system, biannual research Journal which publishes recent researches in all thrust areas of Biology, Agriculture and Forestry of academic and commercial importance. Biological Forum - An International Journal is abstracted...
A peer-reviewed journal that is an important and reliable source of current information on developments and recent trends in the field of nursing.
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that provides monthly online publication of articles. It is an international refereed e-journal covering topics that appeal to a broad readership of various branches of engineering, science, management and other fields.
International Journal of Biosciences is a globally known ISI journal with high impact factor & cross-reference indexed journal that publishes high-quality original research papers together with review articles and short communication on Biology and related to Biology.
Call for Papers for International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) in the field of Engineering Journal, ManagementJournal& Applied Science Journal. IJLTEMAS is among the peer reviewed journal which is an online journal for research writing. Low cost journal publication
Scientists, academicians, and researchers are invited to submit original research articles for publication in the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science. It provides an excellent platform for the exchange of thoughts between researchers interested broadly in the field of Social Science and its application.
The International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering (IJECSE) is an online open access journal, designed to promote the integration of electronics and computer science engineering and related disciplines.
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences is high quality Qualis indexed International Journal for Academic research paper publication
About Docteqs - Docteqs Publications is an international journal of gastroenterology and hepatology research that provides the best clinical hepatology research and gynecology research service.
The International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering (IJECSE) is an online open access journal, to promote the integration of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering and in related disciplines.
IJSRP, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, publishes a monthly journal under ISSN 2250-3153. IJSRP publishes a monthly online version and online print version and is registered under IJSRP INC. Authors are invited to submit their research papers through online submission.
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE). It is an international refereed engineering e-journal in English published monthly.
The International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology (IJSET) is a global, quick-developing, open access journal for paper publication. It gives the possibility to distribute original research papers.
Research and Educational Society, international journal of modern computer science, international journal of modern computer science and Application.
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