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colorectal cancers
Cancer researchers believe that a high-fat diet (especially a diet high in saturated fats) and inactivity accounts for as much as 60 percent of all colorectal cancers in men and 40 percent in women. The colon must be sterile and free of any feces to prevent infection during surgical process, that i
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan provides robotic colorectal surgery in Mumbai with significantly less pain. It becomes more and more affordable to all cancer patients. Robotic surgery has grown exponentially in the last decade. Many units across the globe have successfully adopted robotic surgery for colorectal cancers. There are many advantages of robotic surgery in rectal cancers when compared to...
DCRC offers the full spectrum of colorectal diagnostics and treatments, including Hemorrhoids, Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis, Colonoscopy Polyps, Colitis and Colorectal Cancer Treatment. For advanced, specialized care, visit Dayton Colon & Rectal Center. Call us at 937.435.8663.
3 results for colorectal cancers by relevancy