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What about the Manager’s Mental Health?
Recognize the Pressure Let’s be real, being a manager can be overwhelming. The first step is to acknowledge the pressure that comes with your role. This is not a sign of weakness but of awareness. Once you understand where the stress is coming from you can take steps to tackle it. Set Boundaries and Set an Example Your team is watching you. If you’re glued to your screen at midnight or...
15 views, Last viewed on Friday, December 27th, 2024 at 3:53am
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We are a small private practice providing online therapy and counselling in Ontario. We, as therapists and counsellors nurture relationships that help clients and therapists build rapport. We build relationships through Trust, Listening, Respect, Empathy, Competence and Genuineness that helps make therapy more effective. As a small private practice, we have the ability to offer therapeutic...