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Monel Alloy 400 Socket Weld Fittings Manufacturer

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Sachiya Steel International is one of the Leading Manufacturer And Exporter of High Quality quality Monel Alloy 400 Socket Weld Fittings, which is not sensitive towards heating and welding. The chemical composition of these Monel 400 Forged Socket Weld Elbow has been designed to give it outstanding corrosion resistance in as wide a range of media as possible, both oxidizing and reducing.
88 views, Last viewed on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 at 6:53am
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We are one of Australia's leading suppliers of commercial plumbing and fire protection products. Our range includes items such as valves and fittings as well as gauges and water meters. We also stock booster and hydrants for pressurised water supply in fire fighting installations.