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Under Ground Mining drilling rig

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BEAVER 1500 Model, Truck Mounted Hydraulically Operated Water Well Drilling Rig can capable of drilling from 6" to 8" Dia. Bore Holes in different formations such as hard rock by DTH method, Unconsolidated / alluvial formations using water / foam flush by Rotary method & Unconsolidated / Gravel / Boundary Formations using ODEX tools up to a depth of 450 Meters (1500 Ft.) under favorable...
96 views, Last viewed on Saturday, December 21st, 2024 at 8:11pm
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FLECONN can manufacture and overmold IP67 IP68 waterproof A-code and B-code 3 pin 4 pin 5 pin 6 pin 8 pin male and female m8 cable and patch cordset for industry automation sensor and actuator systems, outdoor waterproof LED light connection applications. M8 cable assemblies has m8 3 pin cable, m8 4 pin cable, m8 4 pin female cable, m8 4 pin male cable, m8 5 pin cable, m8 6 pin cable, m8 8...