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The global sports analytics market will grow with an anticipated CAGR of 21.51% during the forecast period, reaching revenue of $10.32 billion by 2028.
Big data and data analytics are becoming widely popular terms in today's technologically dominant landscape. Numerous organisations and sectors are embracing these emerging technologies to make fruitful use of data. The sports industry is also leveraging big data analytics to revolutionise sports. Data analytics and sports might seem completely unrelated. But, data analytics has proven...
We use math and empirical data to find the +EV to bet on sports. We offer clients a chance to benefit from winning money over a long term plan we offer called Guaranteed Equity Plan. Anybody can be a client.
Evidence-based sports injury analysis, brought to you by Deepak Chona, MD, an orthopedic surgery resident at Stanford University.
4 results for sports analytics by relevancy