Viesearch / serdar guner
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Taekwondo Grand Master Serdar currently holds a 7th Dan Black Belt and is a nationally renowned Certified Personal Trainer. Visit us online today!
The DOS TAEKWONDO training space by Serdar Guner is the leading Taekwondo Club in Sydney. Contact us today at 0425 324 443!
Taekwondo Grand Master, Serdar Guner, holds a 6th Dan Black Belt and he nationally recognized as a Certified Personal Trainer. Contact us at 0425 324 443!
As a Certified Personal Taekwondo Trainer I've Handled my business with good intentions and with the goal to contribute to humanity's welfare.
DOS TAEKWONDO Online Form DOS TAEKWONDO Contact Info: & CLUB Location: 24B 1/3 Endeavour Rd. CARINGBAH 2229
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