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Pastor Rodney Howard Browne cites In Philippians 4: 8 it says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble.
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Heart - the most interior organ. Pastor Rodney Howard Browne figuratively explains and elaborates, the feelings, the will and even the intellect, the center of your being, who you are at the very core of yourself. Greek word for heart also refers to the middle of something. Your thoughts, your
Rodney Howard Browne was born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and grew up in the Eastern Cape and Transkei. His wife, Adonica, was born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and raised in Johannesburg. Rodney gave his heart to the Lord at the age of five and Adonica gave her heart to the Lord at the age of...
Pastor Rodney Howard Browne explains that, first of all, we need to guard our heart from evil. In the simply way, reject things, that can attack our heart. Go through HEART control security. Check our heart every day. What is our motive to do some things, contact with people. God knows our moti
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