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blood test home visit in patna
Dr.Shukla Path lab is providing the hematology pathologists are well trained in diagnosis of diseases related to blood and blood components.
Dr. Shukla path lab in patna is providing the Blood Collection From Home for Examine for any kind of Diseases.
115 Views, Approved on Wednesday, April 13th, 2022 Health and Fitness - More Details
Dr. Shukla pathlab offers diagnostic and pathology tests of a wide variety. Our laboratory offers services of blood tests at home in Patna, this has proven very convenient for patients that are bedridden or more prone to infection than others. You can book the appointment from anywhere and our pathologist will be at your service in no time very safely. If you are in need of a blood test at...
204 Views, Approved on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022 Health and Fitness, Clinical Research - More Details
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